Call us:

(618) 931-2508

4405 IL-162

Granite City, IL 62040

8:30am - 3:30 pm

Monday to Friday

Call us:

(618) 931-2508

4405 State Route 162

Granite City, IL 62040


Monday to Friday


Metro East Montessori School was founded as a non-profit educational facility open to anyone, regardless of race, creed, or color.

We ask that parents interested in Metro East Montessori School first tour the school and observe a class in session. An appointment to tour and observe may be made by contacting the school Business Administrator. At this time you will be given an information packet containing an application.

Upon receipt of application accompanied by the $25 application fee, the parents will be notified of acceptance for enrollment. If enrollment is full at the time of application, the applicant’s name will be placed on our waiting list. When a space becomes available in that child’s age group, the parents will be immediately notified by our Business Administrator. If there is a waiting list, priority is extended to siblings of currently enrolled children. Registration forms, tuition agreement, medical and emergency forms, and other pertinent questionnaires will be mailed at that time.

Completion and return of the tuition agreement, accompanied by the appropriate registration fee, constitutes reservation of a space for your child.